10th International Conference on the Bantu Languages - Tanzania

The deadline for abstract submissions is December 30th 2023. A list of the accepted workshops can be found on the conference website: https://udsm.ac.tz/web/index.php/colleges/duce/bantu-10-conference

Abstracts should be submitted by email to bantu10@duce.ac.tz or thebantu10@gmail.com. If you wish to submit an abstract to one of the workshops, please indicate the name of the workshop on your abstract.

Prochain colloque : Bantu 10

Bantu 10 aura lieu en Tanzanie à l’Université de Dar es Salaam, du 12 au 14 aoû 2024. Vous trouverez la liste des ateliers acceptés sur le site du colloque: https://udsm.ac.tz/web/index.php/colleges/duce/bantu-10-conference

L’échéance pour envoyer vos résumés pour la session générale ou un des ateliers est le 30 décembre 2023.  Les résumés doivent être soumis par mail à l’adresse bantu10@duce.ac.tz ou thebantu10@gmail.com. Si vous souhaitez soumettre un résumé pour un des ateliers, veuillez indiquer le nom de l’atelier dans votre résumé.

Previous conferences / Colloques précédents
Bantu 9 (7-10 June 2022)

Location: Malawi University of Science and Technology
Main Organisers:
Invited Talks/ Keynotes: Maarten Mous & Nancy Kula
Workshops/ Special sessions: The voicing continuum in bantu; Youth language practices and morphosyntactic variation; The potential for increased use of Bantu languages at national and international levels.

Bantu 8 (2-4 June 2021)

Location: Online – Organised by the University of Essex
Main Organisers: Nancy Kula, Hannah Gibson & Kyle Jerro
Invited Talks/ Keynotes: Laura J Downing, Saudah Namyalo & Brent Henderson
Workshops/ Special sessions: Definiteness and Specificity & Towards a decolonial linguistics

Sintu 7 (9-11 July 2018)

Location: Cape Town
Main Organisers: Mantoa Motinyane, Rethabile Possa, Matthias Brenzinger, Martin Mössmer & Barbara Westerveld
Invited Talks/ Keynotes: Ron Simango
Workshops/ Special sessions: Information Structure in Bantu Languages & Variation in Swahili

Bantu 6 (20-23 June 2016)

Location: Helsinki
Main Organisers: Lotta Aunio, Axel Fleisch, Stephan Schulz, Thera Crane Ringhofer
Invited Talks/ Keynotes: Larry Hyman, Yukiko Morimoto, Steve Nicolle (by abstract selection)
Workshops/ Special sessions: WS1 Approaches to morphosyntactic micro-variation in Bantu; WS2 The expression of Mood and Modality in Bantu languages (MoMod); WS3 Bantu historical linguistics and multi/interdisciplinary approaches to the African past; WS4 Bantu objects and object marking (BOOM!); WS5 Verbal derivation and verb extensions in Bantu; WS6 Melodic tones in Bantu.
Number of Contributions: 102 (38 in WS, 39 oral in Main, 25 Posters)
website: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/bantu-6/ (exempliers et présentations téléchargeables)

Bantu 5 (12-15 June 2013)

 Location: Paris
Main Organisers: Dmitry Idiatov, Sophie Manus, Annie Rialland, Mark van de Velde
Invited Talks/ Keynotes: Lutz Marten and Jenneke van der Wal (by abstract selection)
Workshops/ Special sessions: WS1 Nasal noun class prefixes; WS2 TAM; WS3 Bantu Expansion; WS4 Contact and prosody
Number of Talks: 70 talks (25 in WS, 45 Main)
website: http://bantu5.sciencesconf.org/ (exempliers et présentations téléchargeables)

Bantu 4 (7-9 April 2011)

Location: Berlin
Main Organisers: Kristina Riedel, Andreas Wetter, Laura Downing, Tom Gueldemann
Invited Talks/ Keynotes: Koen Bostoen, Jeff Good, Thilo Schadeberg, Pius Tamanji
Workshops/ Special sessions: WS1: Bantu and its closest relatives; WS2: Tone and Intonation in Bantu
Number of Talks: 67
website: http://www.iaaw.hu-berlin.de/de/afrika/linguistik-und-sprachen/veranstaltungen/b4ntu-1

Bantu 3 (25-28 March 2009)

Location: Tervuren
Main Organisers: Koen Bostoen, Dmitry Idiatov, Jacky Maniacky, Mark van de Velde
Invited Talks/ Keynotes: Jan Rijkhoff, André Motingea Mangulu, Vladimir Plungian & Anna Urmanchieva
Workshops/ Special sessions: ‘Inversion constructions in Bantu’ after main conference
Number of Talks: 65 (excl WS)

Bantu 2 (4-6 Oct 2007)

Location: Gothenburg
Main Organisers: Karsten Legere, Christina Thornell
Invited Talks/ Keynotes: Sonja Bosch, Tom Gueldemann, Ruth Mukama, Bernd Heine (Josephat Rugemalira, Al Mtenje, Joyce Matangwane, Kartsen Legere, Christina Thornell)
Number of Talks: 58
website: http://sprak.gu.se/forskning/forskningsamnen/afrikanska/bantu-languages

Bantu 1 (20-22 April 2006)

Location: SOAS
Main Organisers: Nancy Kula, Lutz Marten
Invited Talks/ Keynotes: Thilo Schadeberg, Al Mtenje, Katherine Demuth
Workshops/ Special sessions: Special Session ‘Synchrony and Diachrony of the Bantu Verb’ organised by Larry Hyman and Derek Nurse
Number of Talks: 40