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Bena-Mboi is Benue-Congo. Mayence, Allemagne. Adamawa Conference. (with Dmitry Idiatov)


Types of semantic agreement in the Bantu languages. Gand, Belgique. BantUGent PhD meetings.


Results of the first AdaGram survey in Adamawa and Taraba States, Nigeria. (with Dmitry Idiatov, Tope Olagunju and Bitrus Andrew). Leyde, Pays-Bas. 47th Colloquim on African Languages and Linguistics (CALL).


The origin and spread of possessee-like qualifiers in Central Africa. Buea, Cameroun. 7th World Congress of African Languages.


« Metatony » in Eton. Paris, France. Phonology/Syntax Interface in Bantu (and other) languages: Metatony, Focus and Dislocation.