Publications Keywordsadamawa agreement applicative suffix areal linguistics augment bantu bena-yungur canonical approach comparative Bantu comparative concepts dictionary external possession grammar sketch historical syntax methodology noun classes noun phrase parametric approach possession proper names prosody prototypicality reconstruction reductionist approaches relative clauses scenario-based approach syntax tone word order éton AllPublishedTo appear Van de Velde, Mark & Kisito Essele (2022). Dictionnaire éton-français. Yaoundé. Editions Clé. Van de Velde, Mark (to appear). Alternatives for reductionist approaches to comparative Bantu grammar. To appear in LLA. Van de Velde, Mark (2021). The AMAR mechanism: nominal expressions in the Bantu languages are shaped by apposition and reintegration. Linguistics. Van de Velde, Mark (to appear). Agreement on relative verb forms. To appear in: Bostoen, Koen; Gilles-Maurice de Schryver; Rozenn Guérois & Sara Pacchiarotti (eds). “On Reconstructing Proto-Bantu Grammar.” Berlin: Language Science Press. Van de Velde, Mark (to appear). Adnominal Possession. To appear in Marten, Lutz; et al (eds.) “The Oxford Guide to the Bantu Languages.” Oxford: Oxford University Press. Van de Velde, Mark (2021). The Bantu Relative Agreement Cycle. Linguistics 59:4, 981-1015. Idiatov, Dmitry & Mark Van de Velde (2021). The lexical distribution of labial-velar stops is a window into the linguistic prehistory of Northern Sub-Saharan Africa. Language 97 (1): 72-107. Idiatov, Dmitry and Mark Van de Velde (2020). The internal reconstruction of Bena-Yungur consonants and tone schemes. Language in Africa 1 (3): 100-124. Idiatov, Dmitry & Mark L.O. Van de Velde. (2020). Nigeria as a linguistic terra incognita: The two languages of Lau. In Andrey A. Kibrik, Kseniya P. Semenova, Dmitry V. Sichinava, Sergey G. Tatevosov & Anna Yu. Urmanchieva (eds.), ВАПросы языкознания: Мегасборник наностатей [VAProsy jazykoznanija: A megacollection of nanopapers], 322–328. Moscow: Buki Vedi. Van de Velde, Mark (2020). Concernee-Concern constructions: a comparative study of external possession in the Bantu languages. “Studies in Language” 44:1, 70-94. Van de Velde, Mark (2019). Nominal morphology and syntax. In: Van de Velde, Mark; Koen Bostoen, Derek Nurse & Gérard Philippson (eds). The Bantu Languages, 2nd edition, London and New York: Routledge. p 237-269. Njantcho, Elisabeth & Mark Van de Velde (2019). Kwakum (A91). In: Van de Velde, Mar; Koen Bostoen; Derek Nurse & Gérard Philippson (eds). The Bantu Languages, 2nd edition [Routledge Language Family Series], 383-413. London: Routledge. Idiatov, Dmitry & Mark Van de Velde. (2018). The tone system of Bena-Yungur. In Raija Kramer & Roland Kießling (eds.), Current approaches to Adamawa and Gur languages, 171-191. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe. Van de Velde, Mark and Odette Ambouroue (2017) The origin and use of a relative clause construction that targets objects in Orungu (Bantu, Gabon). Studies in Language. 41:3, p 615-637. Van de Velde, Mark and Dmitry Idiatov (2017). Morphological classes and gender in Bena-Yungur. In: Kaji, Shigeki (ed.) Proceedings of the the 8th World Congress of African Linguistics Kyoto 2015, 53-65. Tokyo: ILCAA. Van de Velde, Mark (2017). The augment as a construct form marker in Eton relative clause constructions. In: Gratien Gualbert Atindogbe and Rebecca Grollemund (eds.) Relative Clauses in Cameroonian Languages: Structure, Function and Semantics. Berlin. Mouton de Gruyter, p 47-66. Idiatov, Dmitry & Mark Van de Velde (2018). La frequence lexicale des occlusives labiales-velaires dans le nord de l’afrique sub-saharienne. In: Léonard, Jean-Léo et Annie Rialland (eds.) “Linguistique africaine: perspectives croisées” [Collection: Mémoires de la Société de Linguistique de Paris], p 189-204. Leuven: Peeters. Van Langendonck, Willy and Mark Van de Velde (2016). Names and Grammar. In: Hough, Carole (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Names and Naming. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Van de Velde, Mark (2013). The Bantu connective construction. In: Carlier, Anne & Jean-Christophe Verstraete (eds.) “The Genitive.” [Case and Grammatical Relations across Languages], 217-252. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Van de Velde, Mark and Odette Ambouroue. (2011). The grammar of Orungu proper names. Journal of African Languages and Linguistics. 23, 113-141. Van de Velde, Mark (2010). The syntax of verb complements and the loss of the applicative in Eton (A71). In: Légère, Karsten & Christina Thornell (eds.) Bantu Languages: Analyses, Description and Theory, 281-294. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe. Van de Velde, Mark & Johan van der Auwera (2010) Le marqueur de l’allocutif pluriel dans les langues bantu. In Floricic, Franck (ed.) Essais de typologie et de linguistique générale. Mélanges offerts à Denis Creissels. p119-141. Lyon: ENS Editions. Van de Velde, Mark (2009). Agreement as a grammatical criterion for proper name status in Kirundi. In: Onoma 44: 219-241. Van de Velde, Mark (2008). A grammar of Eton. (Mouton Grammar Library 46). Berlin. Mouton de Gruyter. Van de Velde, Mark (2008). Un cas de changement phonologique par réanalyse morphonologique en éton. Africana Linguistica XIV: 177-185. Van de Velde, Mark (2006). Multifunctional agreement patterns in Bantu and the possibility of genderless nouns. Linguistic Typology 10 (2): 183-221. Van de Velde, Mark (2006). The alleged class 2a prefix bɔ̀ in Eton, a plural word. in: Cover, Rebecca and Yuni Kim (eds.), Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistics Society 31st annual meeting, 119-130. Van de Velde, Mark (2005). The Order of Noun and Demonstrative in Bantu. In Bostoen, Koen and Jacky Maniacky (eds), Studies in African Comparative Linguistics with special focus on Bantu and Mande, 425-441. Tervuren. Royal Museum for Central Africa. Van de Velde, Mark (2003). Proper Names and the so-called class 1a in Eton. Leuvense Bijdragen. 92 (3-4): 43-59. Van de Velde, Mark (1999). The Two Language Maps of the Belgian Congo. Annales Aequatoria. 20: 475-489. Publications in HAL