Van de Velde, Mark (to appear). Agreement on relative verb forms. To appear in: Bostoen, Koen; Gilles-Maurice de Schryver; Rozenn Guérois & Sara Pacchiarotti (eds). “On Reconstructing Proto-Bantu Grammar.” Berlin: Language Science Press.

This chapter argues that Meeussen (1967)’s reconstruction of a Direct and an Indirect relative clause construction in Proto-Bantu is untenable, because there exists no scenario of morphosyntactic change that can lead from that reconstructed state of affairs to the...

Njantcho, Elisabeth & Mark Van de Velde (2019). Kwakum (A91). In: Van de Velde, Mar;  Koen Bostoen; Derek Nurse & Gérard Philippson (eds). The Bantu Languages, 2nd edition [Routledge Language Family Series], 383-413. London: Routledge.

Kwakum (A91, ISO 639-3 kwu, glottocode kwak1266) is a cluster of Bantu language varieties spoken in the East Province of Cameroon. Ethnologue distinguishes four dialects: Baki, Betɛn, Til and Kwakum, which is the focus of this description. There is a high degree of...

Van de Velde, Mark (2017). The augment as a construct form marker in Eton relative clause constructions. In: Gratien Gualbert Atindogbe and Rebecca Grollemund (eds.) Relative Clauses in Cameroonian Languages: Structure, Function and Semantics. Berlin. Mouton de Gruyter, p 47-66.

Prefinal version. The only formal characteristic that all restrictive relative clause constructions have in common in Eton is that the relativised noun is marked by means of a prefix í- ~ H- traditionally called the augment. Eton does not normally use a relative...

Van de Velde, Mark (2010). The syntax of verb complements and the loss of the applicative in Eton (A71). In: Légère, Karsten & Christina Thornell (eds.) Bantu Languages: Analyses, Description and Theory, 281-294. Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe.

Eton (A70) is unusual in that it lacks an applicative affix. Benefactive and circumstantial participants can be added without marking, be it head marking (an applicative suffix) or dependent marking (a preposition). This paper argues that the applicative suffix was...

Van de Velde, Mark & Johan van der Auwera (2010) Le marqueur de l’allocutif pluriel dans les langues bantu. In Floricic, Franck (ed.) Essais de typologie et de linguistique générale. Mélanges offerts à Denis Creissels. p119-141. Lyon: ENS Editions.

Download / télécharger Un très grand nombre de langues bantoues ont un marqueur de l’allocutif pluriel (AP) qui exprime que le locuteur s’adresse à plus d’un allocutaire et/ou qui sert de marque de politesse. Ce marqueur est un suffixe ou un enclitique qui s’attache...